Psychotherapy and Counselling
There are times when everyone needs space and someone to listen with acceptance and without judgement.
Psychotherapy and counselling provide this by offering a safe, therapeutic and confidential relationship in which you explore whatever you are struggling with.
Having time each week just for you, a time when you can be listened to with openness and acceptance, can be a very healing experience in itself. Having a time set aside that is just for you can really help to gain new perspectives and understanding.
Pain and suffering are normal parts of everyone’s experience. Trying to avoid pain through addictive behaviours and patterns eventually creates more pain, not less, and accepting the universality of suffering allows us to feel connected to others rather than alone. Therapy provides tools and support at difficult moments and can help to uncover inner resources and a sense of being more than the current difficulty.
Sometimes it is in the midst of our deepest pain that we are able to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us and so open to new beginnings.
How often will I have sessions?
Sessions are usually weekly, and we try to schedule the sessions for the same day and at the same time each week. Each confidential session is 60 minutes long. Having time each week just for you, a time when you can be listened to with openness and acceptance, can be a very healing experience.
I offer sessions face-to-face from my practice rooms in East Sussex, TN38 or online via Zoom. I work Monday to Thursday and I offer appointments between 09:00 and 18:00.
My fees are structured according to the current market rates and I do charge a fee for the initial consultation.
Please contact me for further details.
Who is therapy for?
Everyone goes through challenging situations in life, and while you may have successfully navigated through other difficulties you've faced, there's nothing wrong with seeking out extra support when you need it.
It is important to understand that you will get more results from your psychotherapy or counselling sessions if you actively participate in the process. That may sound a little odd, but one hour a week will not create the deep or lasting changes in your life that you want. Therefore, beyond the work you do in the sessions I will suggest other things that support your process, such as journaling, reading or meditation. I can also share tools, such as mindfulness and breathwork, that can help regulate anxiety.
Psychotherapy and counselling can help with a wide range of challenges and problems such as:
Learning ways to manage stress and anxiety
Developing skills for improving communication
Suffering loss or bereavement
Lack of self-esteem
Shame around sexuality
Body image
Tools for coping in a crisis
Experiencing on-going sadness or depression
Feeling a lack of meaning in life
Struggling with life transitions

What I Offer