What is Psychosynthesis?
I am a psychosynthesis psychotherapist, and I trained at the Institute of Psychosynthesis in Hendon, London. Psychosynthesis, at its heart, is a psychology of hope. Psychosynthesis is also a psychology of will, one that invites you to explore and transform whatever gets in the way of you living the life you long for.
Psychosynthesis is a transpersonal psychology developed by Dr Roberto Assagioli, a contemporary and colleague of both Freud and Jung. Psychosynthesis acknowledges that we are all unique and individual souls on a journey through life, that we are more than our problems and our perceived failures and that at the deepest levels of our selves we are wise beings seeking to share our gifts and talents with the world. Psychosynthesis embraces all aspects of human experience, from the physical to the spiritual. My approach brings together a trust in the wisdom of the psyche and a care for the soul.
When you feel need for change, when things seem to be falling apart, when your inner and outer lives are out of rhythm, that may be a call to seek deeper meaning and a new way to live.
We came here for something. Our lives have purpose and living that purpose, finding a way to bring our deepest knowings and wisdom into the world, is important. When we follow and respond to this natural inclination toward healing and growth, we are invited into our own well-being and a deeper sense of belonging, in our own lives and in the world around us.
Psychosynthesis can help you to create a life that expresses who you truly are, one that fulfils your hopes and your dreams. A life deeply anchored in whatever holds meaning and value for you.
To talk more about how psychosynthesis therapy can work for you please contact me.

What I Offer