About me

Jay Edge

Jay Edge

Welcome to my website. I am Jay and I am a psychosynthesis psychotherapist and I have been in practice for over 20 years.

The work I offer is informed by several threads.  Firstly, psychosynthesis, a transpersonal psychotherapy that sees the impulse towards wholeness, to live more of who we are, to find meaning and purpose, as vital.

I trained at the Institute of Psychosynthesis in London and went on to join the faculty there as a group facilitator and trainer.

It was my pleasure and privilege to train with Jungian analyst Marion Woodman in BodySoul Rhythms®, a way of exploring and integrating dreams and symbols and the unlived life.

I completed the Leadership Training Program in 2010 and have led BodySoul days and gatherings ever since. Other threads and trainings that inform my one to one and group work are Somatic Experiencing and the trauma and healing work of Pat Ogden and Dr Janina Fisher and movement practises such as Open Floor, 5 Rhythms and Authentic Movement.

I have completed the foundation course in Group Analysis in the Institute of Group Analysis in London, and I am a Veriditas trained labyrinth facilitator and have been offering labyrinth retreat days, workshops and groups since 2005.  For the last 5 years I’ve been privileged to train with Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes, beloved author of "Women Who Run With The Wolves" at the Institute for Archetypal and Cross-Cultural Studies in Colorado.

Other threads that weave into my work and way of holding space are many years of ceremony and shamanic work, including women’s circles and rites of passage.  Last year I attended a dream retreat with Stephen Aizenstat, the founder of Dream Tending and I am currently training in Embodied Imagination with Robert Bosnak.  

I work in private practise as a psychotherapist and supervisor and training therapist, and I offer face-to-face sessions in East Sussex as well as online sessions via Zoom. Alongside my one-to-one work, I offer workshops, retreats and trainings both online and in person.

I work with a wide range of issues from bereavement to relationship issues and anxiety and stress. I have a particular interest in exploring how we navigate life's different thresholds and transitions as we try to live more of who we really are,

In addition to my therapy and supervision work I also facilitate groups and lead retreat days and workshops.  My group work weaves together body and movement work, myth and story, meditation and personal reflection and often includes a candlelit labyrinth walk.

Here is a link to a labyrinth article for you to download which I facilitated for Abi Foss.


What I Offer

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